Sunday, June 22, 2014


Once upon a time, Hermes made PM cashmeres with a rolled hem.  I'm not keen on the new fringed hems so most of these are older patterns.

Lujo Criollo (Creole Luxury) was created by Hubert de Watrigant in 2005, and only came out in cashmere.  It was reissued in GM six years later, and while I adore this design the GM colors didn't do me any favors.

Citrouilles et Coloquintes (Pumpkins and Squashes) is a 1998 Valerie Dawlat-Dumoulin design that came out in PM cashmere 7 years later.  Most colorways aren't as naturally-colored as this.  The design means nothing to me but the colors are divine.

Persona was issued in 1997, with the Loic Dubigeon design re-issued twice since.  I normally don't care for faces in my scarves and these masks kind of scare me, but I love the color and got it at a sale in Toronto.

Brides de Gala originally came out in 1957.  The Hugo Grygkar classic has been reissued in just about every fabric and has gotten some nouveau treatments, including this repeating version from the mid-aughts.

Robert Dallet is known for his African animal designs, and this Kenya from 1988 goes beautifully with mustard shirts.

Sur un Tapis Volant (Flying Carpet) came out in 2006.  The Annie Faivre design was reissued two years later in PM and GM cashmere.  This mouth-watering colorway was a souvenir from a scarf collector get-together in Las Vegas in 2008.